
2015年江苏省食管癌发病和死亡情况及2006—2015年变化趋势 被引量:23

Trends of Esophageal Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Jiangsu Province 2006—2015
摘要 [目的]掌握江苏省2015年食管癌发病和死亡情况及2006至2015年变化趋势,为食管癌防控提供依据。[方法]搜集江苏省2006至2015年的肿瘤登记数据和相关人口数,通过SAS 9.4和Excel 2007计算粗发病率、粗死亡率、年龄标化率、0~74岁累积率、35~64岁截缩率和构成顺位等指标,采用Joinpoint 4.6计算2006至2015年间的年度变化百分比(annual percent change,APC)及95%可信区间,以综合分析食管癌疾病负担情况。[结果]2015年江苏省食管癌粗发病率为36.40/10万,占恶性肿瘤的11.90%,位居恶性肿瘤发病第3位;粗死亡率为28.43/10万,占恶性肿瘤的13.94%,位居恶性肿瘤死亡第3位。男性人群的粗发病率、粗死亡率、中标率、世标率、累积率(0~74岁)、截缩率(35~64岁)均高于女性,农村人群的上述指标均高于城市。全省人群2006至2015年间的食管癌粗发病率和粗死亡率的APC尚无统计学意义,标化发病率和标化死亡率均呈下降趋势(APC=-3.66%和-3.62%);农村的粗发病率和粗死亡率上升趋势显著(APC=-2.67%和-2.23%),标化后发病率不变(APC=-0.92%),死亡率(APC=-1.56%)呈下降趋势,城市女性的粗发病率和粗死亡率下降幅度最大(APC=-7.03%和-5.13%),标化后下降幅度更大(APC=-11.11%和-9.72%)。[结论]2015年江苏省食管癌发病和死亡水平远高于全国平均水平,男性高于女性,农村高于城市,近十年食管癌总体粗发病率和粗死亡率基本保持不变,标化率呈下降趋势,但农村人群粗发病率和粗死亡率呈上升趋势,是食管癌防治的重点人群。 [Purpose]To analyze the incidence and mortality of esophageal cancer in Jiangsu province in 2015 and its trends from 2006 to 2015.[Methods]Cancer registration data of Jiangsu province during 2006 to 2015 were collected.Crude incidence,crude mortality,age-standardized rate,cumulative rate of 0~74 years,truncated rate of 35~64 years were calculated by SAS 9.4 and Excel2007.Annual percentage change(APC)and its 95%confidence interval were calculated by Joinpoint 4.6.[Results]In 2015,the crude incidence of esophageal cancer in Jiangsu province was 36.40/10~5,accounting for 11.90%of all malignant tumors,ranking the third in the incidence of malignant tumors.The crude mortality rate was 28.43/10~5,accounting for 13.94%of all malignant tumor deaths,ranking the third in malignant tumors.The crude incidence,crude mortality,age-standardized rate,cumulative rate(0~74 years)and truncated rate(35~64 years)of males were higher than those of females,and the above indexes of rural population were higher than those of urban population.The crude incidence and crude mortality of esophageal cancer in Jiangsu province did not change significantly from 2006 to 2015.The age-standardized incidence and age-standardized mortality showed a downward trend(APC=-3.66%and-3.62%).The crude incidence and crude mortality in rural areas showed a significant upward trend(APC=2.67%and 2.23%);while the agestandardized incidence showed no change(APC=-0.92%),and the age-standardized mortality increased(APC=-1.56%).Both the crude incidence and crude mortality of urban women showed a largest downward trend(APC=-7.03%and-5.13%),which were more prominent after standardization(APC=-11.11%and-9.72%).[Conclusion]The burden of incidence and mortality of esophageal cancer in Jiangsu province in 2015 was much higher than the average levels in China.The burden of males was higher than that of females,and the burden of rural population was higher than that of urban population.The overall crude incidence and crude mortality of esophageal cancer have remained unchanged in last decade,while the age-standardized rate has declined.However,the crude incidence and crude mortality of rural population are on the rise,indicating the key population for prevention and treatment of esophageal cancer in the future.
作者 罗鹏飞 韩仁强 俞浩 缪伟刚 林萍 张永青 周金意 武鸣 LUO Peng-fei;HAN Ren-qiang;YU Hao;MIAO Wei-gang;LIN Ping;ZHANG Yongqing;ZHOU Jin-yi;WU Ming(Department for Chronic Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control,Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Nanjing 210009,China)
出处 《中国肿瘤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期34-41,共8页 China Cancer
基金 江苏省卫生计生委科研课题(H2017017).
关键词 食管癌 发病率 死亡率 年度变化百分比 江苏 esophageal cancer incidence mortality annual percentage change Jiangsu
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