

Effects of withdrawal of fluoride and aluminum exposure or drug intervention on bone growth and remodeling in rats
摘要 目的:通过骨形态计量学观察和分析停止氟铝暴露或给予药物干预对纵向骨生长及骨重建的影响。方法:48只大鼠随机分成对照45 d组和90 d组、氟铝45 d组和90 d组、氟铝中断组(氟铝摄入45 d后停止)及药物干预组(氟铝暴露45 d后加钙和维生素D并停止暴露)共6组。利用胫骨近端不脱钙骨切片观察生长板结构及干骺端小梁骨重建。结果:与相应年龄对照组相比,氟铝45 d和90 d组的生长板厚度均增加,氟铝90 d组软骨细胞肥大潴留;氟铝45 d组的骨量、骨矿化周长、骨形成率、骨建造单位/骨重建单位值增加;除骨量外,其余指标在氟铝90 d组均比氟铝45 d组降低,骨形成率甚至低于对照90 d组。与氟铝中断组比较,药物干预组骨吸收周长增加,骨建造单位/骨重建单位值降低。结论:氟铝短期暴露促进长骨生长和新骨形成,终止氟铝暴露后补充钙和维生素D能促进旧骨重建,改善骨质量。 Objective:To investigate the effects of withdrawal from fluoride plus aluminum exposure or drug intervention on bone longitudinal growth and bone remodeling through bone histomorphometry.Methods:Fortyeight rats were randomly divided into six groups:age-matched control groups including 45 days and 90 days control group,fluoride plus aluminum(fluoride-aluminum)exposure groups including 45 days and 90 days fluoridealuminum exposure group,fluoride-aluminum interruption group(withdrawal from 45 days of fluoride-aluminum intake)and drug intervention group(calcium and vitamin D treatment after withdrawal from 45 days of fluoridealuminum intake).All the proximal tibias were processed into undecalcified bone sections for evaluation of the structure of epiphyseal growth plate and the condition of the metaphyseal trabecular bone remodeling.Results:Compared with the age-matched control groups,the thickness of growth plate increased in both 45 days and 90 days fluoride-aluminum exposure groups,and the chondrocytes were hypertrophy and retention in 90 days exposure group.Bone volume,bone mineralization surface,bone formation rate,and the ratio of bone modeling unit/remodeling unit increased in 45 days fluoride-aluminum exposure group when compared with 45 days control group.Except for bone volume,all these indexes above declined in 90 days exposure group comparing with those in 45 days exposure group,and bone formation rate even dropped comparing with that in 90 days control group.Compared with the fluoride-aluminum interruption group,osteoclast surface was elevated and the ratio of bone modeling unit/remodeling unit were reduced in the drug intervention group.Conclusion:Short-term exposure to fluoride-aluminum promotes longitudinal bone growth and bone modeling-based formation.Supplementing calcium and vitamin D after termination of fluoride-aluminum exposure will stimulate bone remodeling-based formation and improved the bone quality.
作者 陈春玲 陈文双 梁洪英 陈艳 CHEN Chunling;CHEN Wenshuang;LIANG Hongying;CHEN Yan(Department of Basic Medical,Guangdong Medical University,Zhanjiang 524023,China;Guangdong Key Laboratory for Research and Development of Natural Drugs,Guangdong Medical University,Zhanjiang 524023,China)
出处 《现代医学》 2021年第3期283-288,共6页 Modern Medical Journal
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2015A030302077) 广东医科大学自然科学基金面上项目(GDMUM201828)
关键词 氟铝联合 暴露时间 骨重建 骨形态计量学 fluoride and aluminum exposure time bone remodeling bone histomorphometry
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