
三种超声心动图经验公式评估高原某部官兵肺动脉压的比较 被引量:1

Comparison of different empirical formula of echocardiography in evaluating pulmonary artery pressure in highland population
摘要 目的 比较三种超声心动图经验公式测量高原某部官兵肺动脉压的差别。方法 对驻扎在高原(海拔4000~5000 m)某部105名官兵进行系统超声心动图检查,应用三种超声心动图经验公式测量平均肺动脉压,公式1(F1):平均肺动脉压(MPAP)=0.62×肺动脉收缩压(PASP)+2 mmHg;公式2(F2):MPAP=79-0.45×肺动脉加速时间(PAAT);公式3(F3):MPAP=90-0.61×PAAT,并比较各结果之间的差异。结果 (1) 105名中观察到三尖瓣反流者87名,占82.86%,获得满意频谱能进行三尖瓣频谱测量并计算肺动脉收缩压者75名,占71.43%。全部受检者均获得满意肺动脉血流频谱并能进行有效PAAT测量。应用公式F1、F2、F3测量的MPAP分别为(22.35±5.19) mmHg、(29.57±5.55)mmHg、(22.51±7.08) mmHg。其中F2与F1结果相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。(2) Pearson相关分析,公式F1与F2检测结果相关系数r=0.53(P<0.01),公式F1与F3检测结果相关系数r=0.59(P<0.01)。Bland-Altman分析,公式F1与F2检测结果偏倚为-7.22 mmHg, 95%的一致性界限为(-17.40,2.97)mmHg。公式F1与F3检测结果偏倚为-0.16 mmHg, 95%的一致性界限为(-11.58,11.27)mmHg。二者95%的一致性界限外点数占1.33%(1/75)。结论 公式F2和F3,与公式F1所测高原人群MPAP结果均呈中度相关,但公式F3和F1所测结果之间偏倚更小,一致性更好。 Objective To assess the differences of pulmonary artery pressure measured by different empirical formula of echocardiography in highland population.Methods A total of 105 officers and soldiers stationed at altitudes of 4000 m~5000 m were included in the study, and three kinds of echocardiography were performed by an experienced sonographer.The mean pulmonary arterial pressure(MPAP) were measured by Formula 1,MPAP=0.62×pulmonary arterial systolic pressure(PASP)+2 mmHg, Formula 2,MPAP=79-0.45×pulmonary artery acceleration time(PAAT)and Formula 3,MPAP=90-0.61×PAAT.Results Tricuspid regurgitant flow could be identified in approximately 82.86%(87/105) of the healthy subjects, and 71.43%(75/105) of the subjects could be obtained satisfactory tricuspid regurgitation to allow PASP estimation, while 100% subjects(105/105) could be obtained satisfactory pulmonary artery flow spectrum to allow MPAP estimation.The mean pulmonary arterial pressures measured by F1,F2 and F3 were(22.35±5.19) mmHg,(29.57±5.55) mmHg and(22.51±7.08) mmHg respectively. The parameters of F2 was statistically different from F1,(P<0.01). Pearson correlation analysis showed that the correlation coefficient was 0.53 between F1 and F2,while the correlation coefficient was 0.59 between F1 and F3.Bland-Altman consistency analysis showed that the test results bias of F1 and F2 was-7.22 mmHg, and the 95% consistency limit was(-17.40,2.97) mmHg, while the test results bias of F1 and F3 was-0.16 mmHg, the 95% consistency limit was(-11.58,11.27) mmHg. and the maximum points out(ratio)was 1.33%(1/75) in these two methods.Conclusions Mean pulmonary arterial pressures of plateau population measured by the two empirical formulas derived from PAAT are moderately correlated with the empirical formula derived from tricuspid regurgitation, and there is a good consistency for MPAP measurement between F1 and F3.
作者 吴赤球 林海平 余丹 严许清 梅朵卓嘎 WU Chiqiu;LIN Haiping;YU Dan;YAN Xuqing;MEIDUO Zuoga(Department of Medical Imaging,Zhejiang Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Hangzhou 310051,China;Department of Surgery,Zhejiang Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Hangzhou 310051,China;Department of the Second Internal Medicine,Zhejiang Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Hangzhou 310051,China;Health Team of 3th Traffic Detachment,the Second Mobile Corps of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Lin Zhi 860300,China)
出处 《武警医学》 CAS 2023年第1期1-4,9,共5页 Medical Journal of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force
关键词 超声心动图 高原 肺动脉压 经验公式 echocardiography highland pulmonary artery pressure formula
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