近年来,气相色谱法在微生物学中的应用得到了迅速地发展[1]。裂解气相色谱法(Pyrolysis Gas chromatography简称PGC)是在气相色谱基础上发展起来的新技术。它不但具有快速、灵敏和特异性强等优点,而且还能和光谱仪、质谱仪和计算机等联机使用。
Twenty-Four samples of dried bacilli,eighteen samples dried vibrios and ten samples of fresh enteric bacilli were analysed by pyrolysis gas chromatography.Examination of the peaks of the key fingerprint enabled the analyst to differentiate eight species of bacilli up to their respective species,the toxic and non-toxic strains of Bacillus anthracis spores,and ten samples of enteric bacilli up to their respective serotypes.It can also distinguish non-agglutinable vibrios,classical vibrio choelerae and vibrio El Tor from each other.Preliminary results showed that it is possible to identify bacteria by pyrolysis gas chromatography.Its potentiality needs further exploration.
Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences