The 100th Unit of the Japanese Invading Army in China(Unit 100)was a bacterial warfare corps whose main experimental subjects were livestock and plants.According to confessions given by Takahashi Takaatu,Hirakura Zensaku and other former Unit 100 members,which were recorded in USSR's Khabarovsk Trial files preserved in the Russian National Military Archives,there is detailed information about the organizational structure and operation of this germ corps.In addition to General Division which was unnumbered,Unit 100 was composed of four departments:Department 1(Research Department),Department 2(Production Department),Department 3(Experimental Department)and Department 4(Supply Department).The main focus of Research Department was the study of causes and pathogens,and was engaged in epidemic prevention.The Supply Department provided experimental materials,drugs,chemicals for other departments and kept a large number of animals.The Production Department and the Experimental Department were divided into 6 and 5 divisions respectively.Besides,Unit 100 had the Dalian Detachment and the Lagu Detachment;and the Legionnaires’Epizootic Corps,formed in July 1941,were also placed under its operational leadership.The 2630 Corps headquarters in Changchun and the Hailar Detachment were also regarded as Unit 100 branches when they combined in Keshan,and were the main bodies of bacterial warfare along with the Lagu Detachment and the Legionnaires’Epizootic Corps.
Qiao Weixing(School of History,University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 102488)
Military History Research
the 100th Unit of the Japanese Invading Army in China(Unit 100)
bacterial warfare of the Japanese Invading Troops in China
Khabarovsk Trial files
Russian National Military Archives