通过对两肾一夹肾血管性高血压大鼠在发病过程中血浆及内脏血管中AngⅠ、AngⅡ含量进行测定 ,结果发现 :在高血压形成过程中血浆及内脏血管床中AngⅠ、AngⅡ水平均有变化 ,血浆中的AngⅠ、AngⅡ含量在狭窄左肾动脉后 10d内升高 ,10d后开始下降 ,高血压形成后降到正常水平 ;内脏血管中AngⅠ、AngⅡ水平在狭窄后不断增加 ,高血压形成后AngⅠ、AngⅡ维持在较高水平。右肾动脉、肠系膜动脉、肺动脉的AngⅠ含量是对照组的 2 .6 7,1.95和 2 .95倍 ,AngⅡ含量是对照组的 5 .74,3.2 0和 3.45倍。从而证实在高血压形成过程中 ,外周血管中的RAS比循环血液中的RAS起的作用大。
The angiotensin I (AngⅠ)and angiotensinⅡ(AngⅡ)concentrations in plasma and various vascular tissues were examined by using RIA method.The results showed that after left renel artery clipping the plasma AngⅠ and AngⅡ level elevated within 10 days,then it decreased gradually and returned to normal value when hypertension is established. In the peripheral vascular tissue,the AngⅠ and Ang Ⅱ increased continuously and kept at higher level even after formation of hypertension,with the AngⅠlevel being 2 67,1.95,2.95 and 1.70 times respectively in renal,pulmonary and femoral arteries and the AngⅡ level being 5.74,3.20,3.45 and 1 65 times,respectively.It is suggested that during development of renovascular hypertensin the increase of local vascular AngⅡ concentration resulting in vasoconstriction plays an important role in the pathogenesis of renovascular hypertension.
Journal of Shanxi Medical University