
从《鹿跳泉》看华兹华斯的生态主义思想 被引量:3

An Ecological Reading to Wordsworth's Hart Leap Well
摘要 运用生态主义理论,特别是动物权利理论考察英国浪漫主义诗人华兹华斯的《鹿跳泉》,可以看出华兹华斯对动物痛苦的关注,为其浪漫主义自然观注入了新的内容,与当代生态思想不谋而合。 Through the application of ecological theories,esp.animal rights' theory,to the examination of English Romanticist W.Wordsworth's Hart Leap Well,the paper concludes that the concern for the animals'pain in Hart Leap Well adds new substance to Wordsworth's theory of nature which coincides with the modern ecological theory.
作者 洪流
出处 《安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第3期109-111,共3页 Journal of Anhui University of Technology:Social Sciences
关键词 华兹华斯 <鹿跳泉> 生态主义 W.Wordsworth Hart Leap Well ecological theories
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