
Risk analysis system of geo-hazard based on GIS technique 被引量:11

Risk analysis system of geo-hazard based on GIS technique
摘要 The socio-economic attribute of geo-hazard made us distinguish it fiom the traditional engineering geology study. It will get more social benefit from the analysis of the geo-hazard in the socio-economic attribute. The hazard and the vulnerability of the element controls the risk level of the regional geo-hazard. The risk analysis supported by GIS in geo-hazard study is one of the most important directions. Based on the author′s studies in recent years, a risk analysis system of regional geo-hazard (RiskAnly) has been developed on the basis of software MAPGIS. The paper introduces the train of system design, the structure and the workflow of RiskAnly. As a case study, the paper also deals with the risk zonation of the regional landslide hazard of China. The socio-economic attribute of geo-hazard made us distinguish it from the traditional engineering geology study. It will get more social benefit from the analysis of the geo-hazard in the socio-economic attribute. The hazard and the vulnerability of the element controls the risk level of the regional geo-hazard. The risk analysis supported by GIS in geo-hazard study is one of the most important directions. Based on the author’s studies in recent years, a risk analysis system of regional geo-hazard (RiskAnly) has been developed on the basis of software MAPGIS. The paper introduces the train of system design, the structure and the workflow of RiskAnly. As a case study, the paper also deals with the risk zonation of the regional landslide hazard of China.
出处 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第3期371-376,共6页 地理学报(英文版)
基金 National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 40072084
关键词 geo-hazard GIS RISK ANALYSIS LANDSLIDE geo-hazard GIS risk analysis landslide
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