As a matured technique used in many fields,the distributed computer system is still a new management method for the aeronautical electrical power distribution system in our country. In this paper, a novel aircraft electrical power distribution system based on the distributed computer system is proposed. The principles, features and structure of the aircraft electrical power distribution system and the distributed computer system named electrical load management system (ELMS) are studied. The ELMS composed of four electrical load management centers (ELMCs) and two power source processors (PSPs) operates in the 1553B buses. Principles of the ELMCs and the PSPs are introduced. With the application of the distributed computer system, the aircraft electrical power distribution system is simple, adaptable and flexible.
尽管分布式计算机系统技术已日臻成熟 ,但在飞机配电系统中的应用正在开始。本文提出了一种基于分布式计算机系统的新型飞机配电系统 ,该系统可以取代传统的常规配电和遥控式配电系统。该分布式计算机系统被称为电气负载管理系统 ( ELMS) ,由 4个电气负载管理中心 ( ELMC)、2个电源系统处理机 ( PSP)构成 ,并通过MIL-STD-1 5 5 3B总线传输数据。文中讨论了该 ELMS的结构及各 ELMC和 PSP的原理、结构。实验表明 ,应用了分布式计算机系统的飞机配电系统具有结构简单、适应性好、易于扩充等优点。