Chinese women for centuries during Chinas 5,000-year-plus history had very limited roles in their families. Very few people, if any at all, ever referred to them by their names. Women were often addressed as "someone's family member" or "children's mother." All that changed in 1949 after the founding of New China. Nowadays, China's women-given their guaranteed legal rights, levels of educction and financial independence-have a say at home. They are indeed "holding up half the sky.
在中国有文字记载的历史中,女子的角色是被严格限制在家庭里的。妇女没有自己的名字,“某某家里的,”“孩子他娘” 就是女人的代名词。1949年新中国成立后,妇女的地位得到了提高。如今,法律制度的保障,教育的普及,经济的独 立,使得妇女在家中可以“说了算”。