
社区群组看病活动健康教育效果评价 被引量:1

Effects of Health Education in Community Groups Treatment
摘要 目的探索健康教育在群组看病中的效果,提高健康教育在社区慢性病管理中的参与度,为政府制定慢性病社区防控策略和措施提供依据。方法利用社区群组看病活动,采用"头脑风暴法"开展集中讲座,医患互动,把患者被动就医转换成主动参与。结果群众健康教育支持率达到94%,健康教育参与率达到88.5%,健康知识知晓率达到87%,健康行为形成率达到96.6%。结论健康教育参与群组看病活动有利于群众健康知识的提高,有利于群众健康行为的形成,有利于社区慢性病的防控,是一种有效、可行的卫生服务方式。 Objective To explore the effects of health education in community groups treatment,to improve the participation of health education in community management of chronic disease,and to provide a scientific basis for establishing strategies and policies of chronic disease prevention and control.Methods With brainstorming in community groups treatment,focused lectures were carried out where doctor and patient could interact with each other,so that patients changed their behaviors of seeing a doctor passively and became active participators.Results The public supporting rate of health education was 94%.The public participating rate of health education was 88.5%.The health knowledge rate was 87%.The formation rate of healthy behavior was 96.6%.Conclusion Health education combined with the activity of community groups treatment is a useful mode of health service.It helps improving the health knowledge rate,being benefit of forming healthy behaviors,thus preventing and controlling chronic diseases.
出处 《健康教育与健康促进》 2010年第2期128-129,共2页 Health Education and Health Promotion
关键词 健康教育 知识知晓 行为形成 Health education Awareness of knowledge Behavior forming
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