冷战结束、20 世纪终结、全球化时代来临: 人类在这个世纪之交面临一个多重历史演进的聚合点。从最近的重大历史变革回溯, 我们会发现冷战实际上是近代以来欧美大国传统的霸权之争的继续、顶点和终结。20 世纪是充满战乱、灾荒、革命和反动的世纪, 又是世界现代化进程全面铺开, 资本主义、社会主义和亚非拉各民族的现代化努力都取得了突破性进展的世纪。中国在20 世纪终于从睡梦中醒来,实现了急剧的历史变革,通过辛亥革命、社会主义革命和改革开放“三级跳”, 跃进到世界现代化进程的主流中来。中国与西方、中国与世界的关系将是21
s Mankind at present is in a turning period of many sides: the cold war just ended, 20 century is going to its end and the era of globalization is coming. The ending 20 century is a century full of wars, natural disasters , revolutions and reactive movements ,as well as a century with the overall spreading of global modernization, with the great breakthrough for capitalism, socialism and the modernization in Asia, Africa and Latin America. China has finally waken up in 20 century and has made a drastic historic transformation with a triple jump through the revolution of 1911, socialism and the reform and openness to get into the main trend of global modernization. The relation between China and the world will be the subject of 21 century.
Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition