Abstract This article maintains that it is the cross
influence of various fields that had given rise to the strong and lasting force of localism in the
Republic of China. In the field of economy, the limited and abnormal expansion of
commercialization of agricultural economy functioned as the solid foundation of localism. The
local bureaucrat capital composed another basis for it. The local national capitalism, on the
other hand, offered positive support to politics of localism to a certain extent, it had also posed
some challenge, though. In the field of culture, the traditional value of localism and the
philosophy of 'Xiu Qi Zhi Ping' (a classical political approach of starting with self-cultivation
towards managing the family as the basis of running the country with an ultimate goal of
conquering the world), was deeply rooted in localism. This was then further aided by the
Western ideas of confederation, local automation and pragmatic philosophy, which in turn
provided theories of world outlook, maxims of behavior, and external packing. From the outside,
the imperialist aggression in economy and politics only reinforced the tendency of localization.
The wars that meant to destroy China had played a part too.
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