Abstract The term' bian' in' Bianwen' has the meaning of mysteriousness and astonishment. The stories with mysterious and astonishing contents are often titled ' a certain Bian' Or' a certain Bianwen'.It. has nothing to be with the types of stories in prose or rhyme styles. Aceording to the historical data of Gou Daoxing's Stories of Gods and Spirits', Dunhuang Manuscript' Stories of Dutiful Sons' and' Stories of Filial Pieties of the Twenty-Four Men' edited by Guo Jujing, we can compare their words and terms and research on the evolution of the Sto- ries of Filial Pieties. In this paper, the author thinks that literatural works which are with poems at the end of the prose can be called biographical eulogy in style.
Dunhuang Research