
满族早期的一夫多妻制及其在清代的遗存 被引量:2

Early Manchu Polygamy and Its Remnants in the Qing Dynasty
摘要 There have been many misunderstandings of the marriage system of the early Manchus.An example is the practice of polygamy, a long-standing custom among ethnic groups inNorth and Northeastern Asia.In Confucian society, people observed a system of monogamy, whereby secondary wives had the status of concubines. It was assumed thatwives in poygamous Manchu households were the same as Chinese "concubines."originally, polygamy only existed among the nobility and rich families. With the riseof Nurhaci, males took many wives not just as custom but also as a political necessity. Beginning in the Chongde reign of Hong Taiji, polygamy in noble families began to be practiced in accord with the orthodox Chinese concept of monogamy, though it took a longertime for the lineal wife (diqi) to affirm her status and for the secondary wives to drop to thestatus of concubine. This only occurred in the Yongzheng and Qianlong reigns. Only in noble families was the secondary wife’s name maintained (ce fujin); otherwise it disappeared.These changes developed more slowly among ordinary Manchus, so that the remnants ofcolygamy could still be found up to the fall of the Qing. There have been many misunderstandings of the marriage system of the early Manchus.An example is the practice of polygamy, a long-standing custom among ethnic groups inNorth and Northeastern Asia.In Confucian society, people observed a system of monogamy, whereby secondary wives had the status of concubines. It was assumed thatwives in poygamous Manchu households were the same as Chinese 'concubines.'originally, polygamy only existed among the nobility and rich families. With the riseof Nurhaci, males took many wives not just as custom but also as a political necessity. Beginning in the Chongde reign of Hong Taiji, polygamy in noble families began to be practiced in accord with the orthodox Chinese concept of monogamy, though it took a longertime for the lineal wife (diqi) to affirm her status and for the secondary wives to drop to thestatus of concubine. This only occurred in the Yongzheng and Qianlong reigns. Only in noble families was the secondary wife's name maintained (ce fujin); otherwise it disappeared.These changes developed more slowly among ordinary Manchus, so that the remnants ofcolygamy could still be found up to the fall of the Qing.
作者 定宜庄
出处 《清史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第4期37-47,81,共12页 The Qing History Journal
  • 相关文献


  • 1清文康原著吕静莲改写儿女英雄传[M].


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  • 2魏收.魏书[M].北京:中华书局,1974..
  • 3陈寿.三国志[M].杭州:浙江古籍出版社,2000.
  • 4启功:《书顾太清事》,《词学季刊》1934年第1卷第4号.
  • 5《清代官员履历档案全编》01,中国第一历史档案馆,第373页下.
  • 6《胡中藻坚磨生诗钞案》,载故宫博物院文献馆编《清代文字狱档》第1辑,北京:国立北平研究院,1931年.
  • 7"乾隆二十年三月二十七日内阁奉"档,载《乾隆朝上谕档》,第788页.
  • 8《大臣画一传档正编》153卷《鄂昌列传》,载嘉业堂钞本《清国史》第6册,北京:中华书局,1993年,第1010-1011页.
  • 9《大臣画一传档正编》卷108《鄂尔泰列传弟鄂尔奇附》,载嘉业堂钞本《清国史》第6册,北京:中华书局,1993年,第282页.
  • 10《大臣画一传档正编》卷143《鄂实列传》,载嘉业堂钞本《清国史》第6册,北京:中华书局,1993年,第852页.










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