Progressive aging of the population and prolonga tion of life expect ancy have led to the ris ng prevalence of heart failure (HF)。Despitethe improvements in medical therapy,the mortality rate of this condition has remained unaccept ably high,becoming t heprimary cause ofdeath in the elderly popul at ion。Almost half of patient swith signs and symptoms of HF are f ound to have a nearly normal ejection fraction,which delineates a distinctclinical syndrome 。known as HF with preserved ejection fraction(HF-PEF) 。While early research focused on the importance of diastolicdys function,more recent studies reported the pathophysological compl exity of the disease with multiple cardiovas 。cular abnormalities contributing to its development and progression。HF-PEF is a challenging maj or health problem with yet no solution as there is no evidence。Based treatment which improves clinical out comes。This review summarizes the state of current knowledge on diagnosis,prognosis and treatment of HF。PEF,with particul ar insights on the pathological characteristics in the elderly population。