The Kan Lan is a primitive form of house which was very common in SouthChina in ancient times.And to this day,it can still be found in a certain areas ofChina.While there were frequent references to this type of architecture in ancienttexts,very little was known about their shapes and structure.Since liberation,archaeologists have found many remains of Kan Lan.In addi-tion,among the archaeological finds are some models and representations whichhave shed much new light on the shapes and structure of this type of architecture.These have not only supplemented the descriptions given in written sources but alsoprovided some new data for the study of the history of Chinese architecture.Among the archaeological finds discovered south of the Yangtze River are somemodels and representaions of such pile-dwellings.Of particular interest is the knobof a Late Neolithic pottery vessel cover,resembling a house with distinctive featuresof a pile-dwelling,discovered at Ying-p'an-li,Ch'ing Chiang,Kiangsi Province(Plate Ⅵ;Fig.6).A characteristic pile-dwelling is represented in the decorationfound on a bronze cowrie-container dating from the middle of the Western Han ex-cavated at Shih Chai Shan,Tsinning,Yunnan Province (Plates Ⅰ-Ⅳ;Figure 1).Ano-ther bronze cowrie-container unearthed at Shih Chai Shan is also decorated withthe representation of a pile-dwelling (Figure 2).Similar representations are encoun-tered on a bronze ch'un yu drum and two bronze drums unearthed somewhere inSouthwest China (Plate Ⅴ;Figure 3).Attention is also drawn to this type of archi-tecture represented in the pottery models of houses and granaries unearthed fromthe Eastern Han tombs in Kwangtung,Kwangsi,Hunan,Szechwan and Kueichowprovinces (Figures 4 and 5).While still supported by piles,the roof and otherstructures found on these buildings were already similar to those found on thebuildings of the Han people.These representations suggest that the pile-dwellingalso underwent considerable alterations under the strong influence of the Han stylearchitecture.A number of sites south of the Yangtze River have yielded the remains ofmany wooden piles driven into the ground.These were arranged in a neat rectangleor in an oval.Among these sites those found at Ch'ien Shan Yang,Wu Hsing,Che-kiang Province,at Hsiang Ts'ao Ho,Tan Yang,Kiangsu Province and at Mei Yen,Wu Chiang,Kiangsu Province (Plate Ⅶ,1) date from the Neolithic;the one atHai Men K'ou (Plate Ⅶ,2),Chien Ch'uan,Yunnan Province belongs to the Chal-colithic Age;and the one discovered at Mao Chia Tsui,Ch'i Ch'un,Hupei Provincedates from the Western Chou (Plate Ⅷ;Fig.7).Their discovery shows that the Kan Lan type of architecture not only appeared in China at a rather early date butalso spread over a much wider area than was mentioned in ancient texts.The above-mentioned archaeological data seem to suggest that the pile-dwellingswere very common in the vast region south of the Yangtze since Neolithic timesand probably had exerted some influence on the buildings of the same type in Sout-heast Asia.With the southward penetration of the culture of the Yellow Rivervalley these pile-dwellings also underwent considerable changes.At first,they moreor less reflected the indigeneous architectural style but the influence of the Han stylearchitecture was gradually increasing until finally they were almost completelyreplacedby the latter.The pile-dwellings were probably an indigeneous form of architecture south ofthe Yangtze,unlike the Han style architecture found in the Yellow River valleywhich belongs to a different culture.Before the influence of the cultures of the CentralPlain reached the region,the indigeneous cultures south of the Yangtze as expressedin the pottery with geometric impression,bronzes and architecture were marked bystrong local characteristic.But under the contineous influence of the cultures of theCentral Plain,they were completely absorbed by or became integrated with the lat-ter,thereby forming an organic constituent of the Han civilization.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica