北京外国语学院在六十年代曾开设过口译课,“文革”后又恢复了这门课程。在教学实践中我有以下几点浅见: 1.口译课的目的是使学生通过教师的传授和教师指导下的实践,熟悉成段口译涉及的主要技巧,为以后的口译工作打下初步的基础。要使学生了解口译工作者必须具备的条件(如政治责任心。
This paper is concerned with problems involved in training senior undergraduate students of English inoral interpretation. The strategies discussed include: 1. Auditory comprehension - Sufficient amount of practice in listening comprehension should be giventhroughout the training period, with a special view to developing the ability to attain the meaning throughguessing or context-analysis. 2. Abstracting and synthesis - The students should be encouraged to learn how to abstract and syn-thesize the content of a ,listening passage or piece. 3. Sense groups - The best way to retain the ideas expressed by the speaker is to grasp the utterancesin sense groups, and this, being a habit-forming process, can be achieved through guided practice. 4. Speed and quick response - The students are asked to interpret 100-150 words each time at anincreasing reading speed. 5. Subject matter - The guiding principle is to familiarize the students with materials of subjectsas many and varied as possible. 6. Note-taking - One way of note-taking is as good as another so long as it serves the purpose.What the instructor needs to do is to give proper guidance so that the students will eventually develop theirown system of note-taking. 7. Figures and conversions - Training in the interpretation of figures and the conversion of theChinese system of measures and weights into the international system is not to be overlooked.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research