对中国和西欧的封建制度进行比较,实在是一件艰巨的任务.双方历史情况不同,历史方法论的差异更加深了这种区别,所以几乎难于比较.但史学界总的趋势是,愈来愈多的人赞同封建主义普遍存在的观点,并且尝试对各种形态的封建主义找出共同点来.这鼓励我也愿在这一问题上进行一些探索.由于文章不能写得太长,本文只可说是一个提纲,许多问题留待以后深入. 文中所述西欧封建制度,大体上为9—15世纪时情况.
The author assumes that there are basic similarities between societies at the same
stage of development: we can find similarities through comparative studies, though
China and the West had individual features in their respective feudal history. Just as
people were divided into free and unfree in the medieval West, so the Chinese feudal
laws demarcated good (liang) people from base (jian) people. The power of the
Western feudal lords over their lands was limited by their overlords, whereas Chinese
feudal landlords' power over their lands was often limited by State laws and regional
customs. There was no private land property in its modern sense in either region. So
long as you do not regard medieval European cities as islands of capitalism in a sea
of feudalism, as some Western historians do, you would find many similarities be-
tween Chinese and Western feudal cities. Just as absolute monarch in the West was
neither absolute nor unlimited, so Chinese feudal monarch was limited by various
factors too.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)