
Liver function tests: Association with cardiovascular outcomes 被引量:1

Liver function tests: Association with cardiovascular outcomes
摘要 An association between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease has been repeatedly rep orted. Several studies have focused on levels of gammaglutamyltransferase (GGT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in relation to cardiovascular outcomes. Evidence indicates that GGT may have a potential role for cardiovascular risk stratifi cation while the role of ALT for cardiac prognosis remains controversial. A conceptual framework that includes not only GGT and ALT but also markers of hepatocyte apoptosis such as cytokeratin-18 fragments should be developed. An association between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease has been repeatedly reported. Several studies have focused on levels of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in relation to cardiovascular outcomes. Evidence indicates that GGT may have a potential role for cardiovascular risk stratification while the role of ALT for cardiac prognosis remains controversial. A conceptual framework that includes not only GGT and ALT but also markers of hepatocyte apoptosis such as cytokeratin-18 fragments should be developed.
作者 Yusuf Yilmaz
出处 《World Journal of Hepatology》 CAS 2010年第4期143-145,共3页 世界肝病学杂志(英文版)(电子版)
关键词 NONALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE LIVER function tests CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE OUTCOMES Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Liver function tests Cardiovascular disease Outcomes
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