据死亡登记,云南省晋宁县22万人口中,1973~1986年共自杀死亡295人,81—86年,发生率为9.1~28.5/10万,。295人中女多于男(161∶134),各年龄组均如此。自杀原因主要有家庭纠纷(177例, 占60%),恋爱婚姻问题(32例,占10.8%),社会邻里纠纷(19例,占6.4%)。绝大多数人(75.59%)均以口服毒性农药自杀。这些均可能与农村社会环境有关。
Based on the death records from 1973 to 1986,295cases had been identified as suicide in Jinning County,Yunnan Province.From 1981-1986,the suicide deathrate against about 227 thousands population in thatcounty,ranged from 9.1/100000 to 28.5/100000.Femalesuicides were found more than male ones(161:134),the same observed in all age groups.Major causalfactors for suicide were family confliets (177,60%),marriage issues(32,10.8%)and neighbourhood conflicts(19,6.4%).The majority of all suicides were fatallypoisoned by pesticides.These might be due to therural environment in which the current study wasperformed.
Chinese Mental Health Journal