Fang Lizhi is a famous Chinese astrophysicist, professor and vice-persident of the University ofScience and Technology of China, and an academic member of the DMP of the Chinese Academy ofSciences. In those difficult days in China, cosmology was considered a forbidden area because of some poli-tical reasons. However, Fang led his group persisting in research on astrophysics in spite of huge diff-icuties, thus promoting the progress of astrophysics in China. He created a method using red shiftdistribution of quasi-stars in the research on the enclosure of cosmos. After the downfall of the 'Gang of Four', Fang has published a series of philosophical papers.In his philosophical reflection of the issues of science and society, he vigorously attacked the rigidphilosophy that prevailed in China. Futhermore, he publicized his political stand and viewpoints onvarious occassions. He advocates rationalism, science, democracy and freedom, shouts for the enhance-ment of the social status of Chinese intellectuals. He holds that scholars should have a strong sense ofsocial responsibility and should become politically conscious. This article gives a detailed description of Fang′s life, his acadcmic achievements, philosophicalconcepts and political viewpoints.
Journal of Dialectics of Nature