1992年12月~1993年4月,我队在配合西工区玻璃纤维厂宿舍楼基建中,发掘了一座新莽时期墓葬(编号:IM461)。此墓西距涧河约600米,南距五女冢约500米。墓葬随葬器物摆放位置未被扰动,保存完好。现简报如下。一墓葬形制 IM461由墓道、甬道、前室、后室和两耳室组成,方向180度,为单穹隆顶小砖券墓(图一、二)。
A survival from the Wang Mang period of the Han Dynasty, the tomb was excavated in the Western II District of Luoyang from December of 1992 to April of 1993. There is at the entrance of its front chamber, a pottery table, on which are found a toilet box and a set of eared cups, also in a box. A charcoal burner with a bronze plate on it and an eared cup in the plate is found at the one end of the table. Immediately inside a side chamber on the west, is a brick hearth by the northern wall. Some cooking vessels such as cauldron and zeng-steamer and tools like knife and saw are found on the hearth. The tomb also contains a 'well', which was built by sinking a jar into the ground and putting a model railing on the mouth of the jar. The well is further complemented with a water trough and water container. These things together with funeral objects count up to some seventy. Since no disturbance has ever happened, everything stand exactly where they were two thousand years ago. Among finds are also iron tools and fully—grown rice and millet. All this can not be encountered very often in the tombs of the Han dynasty.
Cultural Relics