通过对珠江三角洲地区群众体育的发展状况进行实地词查和理论分析,认为珠江 三角洲地区在开展群众体育方面取得的成绩,给予我们史施全民健身计划有如下的启示:要有新 的观念,要推出新内容,要采取新的措施。认识要高,开展的内容层次要高,达到的目标要高; 要大造声势,产生大影响,获得大效益,开展的体育活动内容要多,竞赛形式要多,经费投入渠 道要多; 组织落实,工作扎实 效果真实。
Through on-the-spot investigation into analysis of the masses' participation in physical activities in the regions of the Pearl River Delta. From the mass physical activities which launched in the Pearl River Delta, we can derive five enlightenment's concerning the implementation of the 'Health Promation Program for the All People(HPPAP)' Firstly, new notion should be cultivated, new contents should be brought forth, and new measurements should be taken in the practice of the 'HPPAP' Secondly, the implementation of the 'HIPPAP' should be deeply understood, and the goal to. reach should be highly. Thirdly, a great momentum should be built up, a tremendous impact should be exerted, and a substantial benefit ought to be secured in putting into effort the 'HPPAP' Fourth, the number of the contents for social sports must be large , the forms for competitive activities, and the channels for funds invested the process of carrying out the 'HPPAP' Fifth, organization ought be certain, work should be solid, end effeots should be real during the enforcement of the 'HPPAP
Journal of Guangzhou Sport University
Pearl River Delta mass physical activical activies HPPAP