
Human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells:one potential resource for cell therapy 被引量:12

Human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells:one potential resource for cell therapy
摘要 Pluripotent stem cells derived from somatic cells through such processes as nuclear transfer or induced pluripotent stem(iPS) cells present an important model for biomedical research and provide potential resources for cell replacement therapies.However,the overall efficiency of the conversional nuclear transfer is very low and the safety issue remains a major concern for iPS cells.Embryonic stem cells(ESCs) generated from parthenogenetic embryos are one attractive alternative as a source of histocompatible cells and tissues for cell therapy.Recent studies on human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells(hPG ESCs) have revealed that these ESCs are very similar to the hESCs derived from IVF or in vivo produced blastocysts in gene expression and other characteristics,but full differentiation and development potential of these hPG ESCs have to be further investigated before clinical research and therapeutic interventions.To generate various pluripotent stem cells,diverse reprogramming techniques and approaches will be developed and integrated.This may help elucidate the fundamental mechanisms underlying reprogramming and stem cell biology,and ultimately benefit cell therapy and regenerative medicine. Pluripotent stem cells derived from somatic cells through such processes as nuclear transfer or induced pluripotent stem(iPS) cells present an important model for biomedical research and provide potential resources for cell replacement therapies.However,the overall efficiency of the conversional nuclear transfer is very low and the safety issue remains a major concern for iPS cells.Embryonic stem cells(ESCs) generated from parthenogenetic embryos are one attractive alternative as a source of histocompatible cells and tissues for cell therapy.Recent studies on human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells(hPG ESCs) have revealed that these ESCs are very similar to the hESCs derived from IVF or in vivo produced blastocysts in gene expression and other characteristics,but full differentiation and development potential of these hPG ESCs have to be further investigated before clinical research and therapeutic interventions.To generate various pluripotent stem cells,diverse reprogramming techniques and approaches will be developed and integrated.This may help elucidate the fundamental mechanisms underlying reprogramming and stem cell biology,and ultimately benefit cell therapy and regenerative medicine.
出处 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2009年第7期599-602,共4页 中国科学(生命科学英文版)
基金 Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2006AA02A101)
关键词 HUMAN PARTHENOGENETIC EMBRYONIC stem CELL therapeutic CLONING induced differentiation IMPRINTING heterozygosis CELL therapy human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cell,therapeutic cloning,induced differentiation,imprinting,heterozygosis,cell therapy
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