
英国教师教育大学化的伙伴模式建构 被引量:2

Constructing Partnership Models in the Universitization of Teacher Education in the U.K.
摘要 大学与中小学建立合作伙伴关系,培养有效教师是英国教师教育改革的特色。英国基于合作伙伴的教师教育基本模式包括:大学维度的教师教育、互补价值的教师教育、整合的教师教育、互惠的教师教育。为了确保这种合作伙伴的教师教育有效,英国政府进行了一系列改革,包括更新大学教师教育标准、强化合作伙伴的国家框架、实行合作伙伴的指导教师培训、加强合作伙伴的质量监控。 Establishing partnership between universities and middle schools and primary schools to train teachers is the feature of the reform of teacher education in the U.K. The models of teacher education based on the partnership include university model, complementary model, integrated model and reciprocal model. In order to guarantee the effectiveness of such teacher education, the government makes series reforms including renewing the educational standard of university teachers, strengthening the partnership, training the tutors and enhancing the quality assurance of the partnership.
作者 谌启标
出处 《教育与考试》 2008年第4期77-80,72,共5页 Education and Examinations
基金 作者主持的教育部人文社会科学研究2005年度规划基金项目"教师教育大学化的国际比较研究"(项目编号05JA880012)成果之一。
关键词 英国 合作伙伴 教师教育 改革 the U.K.,partnership,teacher education,reform.
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