
A brief introduction to recent applications of several sediment-analysis techniques in palaeolimnological studies-dry bulk density and water content, mineral magnetism, carbonate content, and content of total organic carbon,nitrogen content and carbon/ni 被引量:2

A brief introduction to recent applications of several sediment-analysis techniques in palaeolimnological studies-dry bulk density and water content, mineral magnetism, carbonate content, and content of total organic carbon, nitrogen content and c
摘要 Determination of dry bulk density and water content measurement of magnetic susceptibility (x) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM), determination of carbonate content, and determination of total organic carbon (TOC) content nitrogen content (N%) and carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio are some of the techniques which have been widely applied to lacustrine-sediment analyses. The techniques,complemented by others, are usually useful for revealing characteristics of lacustrine-sediments and thus for postulating hydrological regimes in the lake and environmental conditions and human activity around it in palaeolimnological studies. A very brief review is presented on recent applications of these techniques in palaeolimnological work with English literatures published mainly since 1985 and focus given on interpretations of results of these analyses related to palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Low dry bulk density and high water content often imply relatively warm and wet conditions. High X and SIRM are usually resulted from reduced dilutions in the lake and intensified erosions on its catchment. both of which can be in turn attributed to environmental changes. While variations in patterns of X and SIRM may give further insight on mineral magnetism and thus implications on environmental conditions. Increased carbonate content seems likely to associate to warm and dry conditions.Increased TOC content is virtually used as one of indicators of warm and wet conditions and variations in C/N ratio may hint variations in relative contributions of different sources, aquatic and terrestrial, to the total organic matter in lake sediments and hence to lake-level fluctuations and climate changes. Determination of dry bulk density and water content measurement of magnetic susceptibility (x) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM), determination of carbonate content, and determination of total organic carbon (TOC) content nitrogen content (N%) and carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio are some of the techniques which have been widely applied to lacustrine-sediment analyses. The techniques,complemented by others, are usually useful for revealing characteristics of lacustrine-sediments and thus for postulating hydrological regimes in the lake and environmental conditions and human activity around it in palaeolimnological studies. A very brief review is presented on recent applications of these techniques in palaeolimnological work with English literatures published mainly since 1985 and focus given on interpretations of results of these analyses related to palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Low dry bulk density and high water content often imply relatively warm and wet conditions. High X and SIRM are usually resulted from reduced dilutions in the lake and intensified erosions on its catchment. both of which can be in turn attributed to environmental changes. While variations in patterns of X and SIRM may give further insight on mineral magnetism and thus implications on environmental conditions. Increased carbonate content seems likely to associate to warm and dry conditions.Increased TOC content is virtually used as one of indicators of warm and wet conditions and variations in C/N ratio may hint variations in relative contributions of different sources, aquatic and terrestrial, to the total organic matter in lake sediments and hence to lake-level fluctuations and climate changes.
出处 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2000年第1期28-36,共9页 地理学报(英文版)
关键词 dry bulk density and water content MINERAL MAGNETISM CARBONATE content. total organic CARBON content nitrogen CONTENT carbon/nitrogen ratio dry bulk density and water content, mineral magnetism carbonate content. total organic carbon content,nitrogen content carbon/nitrogen ratio
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