本文对鬣蜥科(Agamidae)和壁虎科(Gekkonidae)共6属10种蜥蜴的皮肤感受器进行了扫描电镜(SEM)观察。结果表明鬣蜥科沙蜥属(Phrynocephalus)5种沙蜥具有共同的感受器显微构造,并且感受器显微构造具有种间差别,但是其差别不明显。鬣蜥科龙蜥属的草绿龙蜥(Japalura flaviceps)不具有感受器。壁虎科4属4种壁虎皆具有皮肤感受器,并且,不同属的种类的感受器显微构造差别明显。另外与有关研究结果进行比较表明,不同分类类群的种类可以具有相似的皮肤感受器显微构造。本文根据上述结果讨论了皮肤感受器的有无及感受器显微构造的差别作为蜥蜴类分类指标的可能性。
The microdermatoglyphic textures of 10 species of lizard belonging to 6 genera of Agamidae and Gekkonidae are investigated with the help of scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The results show that while there is a general texture of the skin receptor in 5 species of Phryno-cephalus, there is a distinction, though not obvious enough, in the microdermatoglyphic texture of the skin receptor in 5 species of Phrynocephalus. Japalura flaviceps of Agamindae has no skin receptor as surveyed by SEM.
4 species of geckos belonging to 4 genera of Gekkonidae have the skin receptor and their microdermatoglyphic texture has the obvious distinction between different genera. By comparing our results with those of other authors, it is shown that the different taxonomic groups may have similar microdermatoglyphic textures of the skin receptors. This paper discusses the possibility of the different microdecmatoglyphic texture of the skin receptors for taxonomic diagnosis. We think that the microdermatoglyphic texture of the skin receptor can be used as genus diagnosis but not as species diagnosis.
Journal of Gansu Sciences
国家自然科学基金 编号3880115