本文报道寄生于人体的棘隙吸虫新种,福建棘隙吸虫(Echinochasmus fujianensis Chen,sp.nov.)。成虫长椭圆形,后部较宽大,虫体与卵分别大小为1.125—1.790×0.375—0.518与0.098—0.113×0.064—0.072。虫体除具头棘、体棘外,尚有围绕口吸盘外周排成4列的口棘。福建省龙海县人群此虫感染率为2.46%。感染实验和自然感染调查,均证明其第一中间宿主为铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa),螺体尾蚴自然感染率为4.7%。尾蚴体呈心形,0.128—0.132×0.078—0.085大,尾部长0.125—0.130,宽0.020—0.023,第二中间宿主为麦穗鱼、青鳉等,囊蚴椭圆形,大小0.098—0.114×0.076—0.088,成虫寄生于宿主小肠。
This paper reports a new species of Echinochasmus parasitic in human, as well as the results of its exper-immental infection, This trematode was discovered from Longhai County (24°41'N, 117°55'E), Fujian, Chi-na. The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Parasitic Diseases of Fujian Province, Fuzhou. Echinochasmus fujianensis Chen, sp. nov. (fig. 1) Body olng—oval, 1. 125—1. 790×0. 375—0. 518mm (1. 446×0. 437mm), with cuticular spines. Head collar strongly developed, transverse diameter 0. 238—0. 293mm. Collar spines 24, arranged in a single row, interrupted dorsally. With 4 rows of spines surrounding the_oral sucker. Oral sucker 0. 110—0. 123×0. 094—0. 110mm. Aeetabulurn 0. 186—0. 224×0. 197—0. 234mm. Prepharynx 0. 037—0. 068mm. Oesophagus 0. 074—0. 080×0. 083—0. 090mm. Testes lied in hind body, fanterior testis 0. 092—0. 144×0. 235—0.310mm, posterior testis 0.130—0.180×0. 220—0. 270mm. Cirus pouch large, 0.110—0.130×0.1850. 205mm, situated behind the intestinal bifurcation, anterorsal to acetabulum. Ovary small, 0. 070—0. 085×0. 095—0. 110mm, sifuated anterior to the anterior testis. Vitellaria commenced from the acetabulum, reaching the pasterior end of the body. Uterus short, containning 4—20 eggs. Eggs oval, large, 0. 098—0. 113×0. 064—0. 072mm (0. 107×0. 068mm). Adult worms located in host intestine. The infection rate of this trematode in 528 persons examined was 2.46%. Accodording to both experimental infection with the eggs to fresh—water snails and survey of natural in-fection in 147 snails examined, its intermediate host was proved to be Bcllamya acruginosa, The cercaria pos-itive rate was 4.7%. Cercaria heart—shaped, 0.127—0.132×0.078—0.085MM Tail0.125—0.130×0. 020—0. 023mm. Intestinal gut of doughter redia attaining to hind body. Encysted rnetacerial were found in the gills of fresh—water fish after experimental infection with the cercariae of 2 days, oval, 0. 980—0. 140×0. 076—0. 088mm. This species differs from all known species, of the genus in the characteristic features mentioned above it is a new human trematode.
Wuyi Science Journal
Echinochasmus, New species, Human parasites, Experimetal infection