迄今我国报告的并殖吸虫有28种。其中有些虫种的独立性,曾在学者中争论达30多年之久。依据形态学、生活史、染色体核型以及国际动物命名法规,作者认为下列若干虫种需要重新修订。 1.扁囊并殖吸虫(Paragonimus asymmetricus):本虫种系陈心陶(1977)以广东惠阳6个椭圆形及长圆形的囊蚴感染狗后得到的1只尚未充分发育的虫体报告的。依据有关成虫、囊蚴的形态学研究及在福建、江苏和浙江等地的深入考察,我们认为本虫种是卫氏并殖吸虫的同物异名。 2.四川并殖吸虫(P.szechuanensis):本种并殖早在1957年曾经翁心植、钟惠澜在四川雅安和温江等地注意过,后来钟与曹氏(1962)通过实地调查后得到成虫而描述命名。根据其形态学、生活史各期虫体及中间宿主和各流行区病人均具有游走性皮下结节的特殊症状等,本种并殖吸虫与陈心陶(1959)在广东报告的斯氏并殖(P.skrjabini)相似,按国际动物命名法当是斯氏并殖的同物异名。 3.会同并殖吸虫(P.huet'ungensis):此种肺吸虫先是湖南省会同县卫生防疫站(1973)用其囊蚴感染狗后得到成虫,继后钟氏等又在当地作流行病学研究并描述而命名。依据本虫的成虫、囊蚴、虫卵的形态特征以及病人具有游走性皮下结节的病症,均与广东、福建、湖南、湖北、江西、四川各地报告的斯氏并殖没有明显的差别。据此,作者认为本虫是斯氏并殖的同种异名。 4.卫氏并殖伊春亚种(P.westermani ichungensis):本种系钟氏等(1978)在东北伊春发现描述的。现据其成虫与囊蚴的形态学、虫卵大小、特别是其染色体核型(2n=22)的特征,作者认为与卫氏并殖吸虫二倍体型相似,故二者是同物异名。
So far as we know, about 28 species of Paragonimus had been reported from China. Among them, some of species with their valid status were disputed by chinese authors for more than 30 years ago. Based on the morphology, life cycle, chromsome types and the rule of international binominal nomenclature, the authors considered that the following species of Paragonimus reported from China would be revised. 1. Paragonimus asymmetricus Chen, 1977. This lung fluke was described by Chen(1977) from a juvenile worm in the reared dog infected with 6 elliptric or long oval metacercaria in Huiyang, Guangdong. Based on the intensive studies of the morphology of adult and its metacercaria reported from Fujian, Jiangsu and Zhe jiang etc., it was regarded that this fluke would be identified as a synonym of P. wesgermani. 2. P. szechuanensis Chung et T'sao, 1962. This lung fluke had been early mentioned by Wen & Chung (1957) from the area of Yaan and Wenjiang, Szechuan, and Chung et T'sao(1962) described this fluke as new sp., P. szechuanensis, after epidemiological work was made in Wenjiang and Yaan area. Based on the comparison with the morphology, life cycle and its pathognomy of migratory cutaneous nodule in patient from Szechuan, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangsi, this fluke was similar to that of P. skrjabini which was early described by Chen(1959) in Guangdong. According to the international binominal nomenclature, the au thors identified this lung fluke to be the synonym of P. skrjabini. 3. P. huet'ungensis Chung et al., 1975. This fluke was first obtained by Hueitung Health Preventive Disease Station from the reared dogs infected with its metacercaria during 1973. Chung et al.(1973) made an epidemiologieal research in the endemic area of Hueitung, and they identified this lung fluke as a new sp. and nominated P. hueitungensis for the fluke. According to the morphology of adult worm, metacercaria, egg and pathognomy in patients with migratory cutaneous nodules attributed to the infection with immature adoles cent worms, it was close to P. skrjabini which had been reported in Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian and Jiangsi etc. Accordingly, the authors regarded that this lung fluke would be the synonym of P. skrjabini. 4. P. westerrnani subsp. ichunensis Chung, Hsa & Kao, 1978. This fluke was described by Chung et al. (1978) from Yichun, Northeast China. According to the morphology of adult worm, metaeercaria, egg, particularly in the type of chromsome(2n=22), the authors considered this subsp, to be similar to that of the diploid chromsome type of P. werstermani, so that they were synonym.
Wuyi Science Journal