The author used MEBO for treating 2 cases of digestive tract burn caused by caustic soda. The results were very satisfactory. No esophagostenosis occurred.
The two patients were admitted to the hospital respectively at 2 and 6 hours after swallowing caustic soda. Upon admission, MEBO was administered orally. The patients were advised to swallow MEBO slowly. Pains were alleviated. MEBO was administered orally at increasingly prolonged intervals. After 7 days, the Patients were allowed to take liquid diet. MEBO was then administered once after each meal and drink for 4 to 5 consecutive weeks. After staying in the hospital for 10 and 12 days respectively, the patients were discharged and followed up for 3 momths. Nothing abnormal was found. Examination with barium meal proved that no esophagostenosis occurred.
The mechanism of the action was discussed.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers