井陉,地当太行腰冲,左控幽冀、右扼雍并,在八陉之中不仅是兵家必争的天下险塞,且是渤海湾迤西一条十分重要的冀晋孔道,自古即为山左右经济往来、文化交融的要枢之区。井陉古道何时开通?当时情况与具体走向又如何?这个问题在文献中找不出确切的记载。1989年冬,1990年春,河北省进行文物复查,笔者曾率队对井陉境内(含矿区)的文物遗存做了踏勘,所获资料或可对此问题的探讨有所裨益,因述所见,以资参考。 一、周穆王以前的“羊肠山径” 《穆天子传·卷一》:“天子北征,乃绝漳水。庚辰,至于□,觞天子於磐石。载立不舍,至于鈃山之下。癸未,雨雪,天子猎于鈃山之西阿,於是得绝鈃山之坠,北循滹沱之阳”。对此,郭沫若先生解释为:周穆王沿太行山西麓北行,渡过漳水,经山西平定县的磐石。
Jingxing is one of the 8 famous xings, lying across the Taihang Mountain, it takes an important passage effect on the distribution of the archaeological cultures around Taihang Mountain . In this paper ,1 expound and prove the date of the opening of Jingxing exactly and clearly. By means of on -the -spot investigation , I raise that we can take the opening of the broad road on which the carriages can pass as the standard of the opening of Jingxing . According to this standard , having analyzed the materials aquired by archae. logical investigations and the recordings in some relevant documents comprehensively, I put forward the following views :he Man place in Buci ( oracle inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty on tortoiseshells or animal bones ) is the mordern JingXing in the Mianman River Valley; The sites of Xia and Shang Dynasty along the river , is the relics of the living places of the Youmanshi people. According to the distribution of the living places and the propability of on-the -spot's, we ca infer the run and the rough position of the road in Jingxing in Xia and Shang Dynasty. I think that at that time ,the road was along the river valley, and that it was narrow path ,only passedby pack animals . It was not untill the western Zhou, the Spring and Autumn Period and the early of the Warring States Period , that the road condition had not much changed , which did not synchronized the forming of the broad road in the plain in front of the east of the Taihang Mountain.In the process of the textual research of the city sites along the Jingxing broad road , I doubted the hypotheses that Manjia city of Zhongshan state was in the south east of Shenxi-an county, or in the north of Huolu county. I also correct the parts of the inconsistent with the facts recorded in ' Shui JingZhu' ,' ZiZhi Tong Jian. VOL 3. HuZhu' ,' Du Shi Fang Yu Ji Yao', and ' Xian Yu Zhongshan Guo Shi Zhe Jiang Yu Tu Shuo' , on which the two Hypotheses depended; and also I clarify the errors brought about by the two hypotheses. After the textual research, I think that the Manjia city , whose location region were not recorded is in mordem WeiZhouZhen, Jingxing county. Thus, we can annouce that the Manjia Battle in 306 B. C . is an example battle in our ancient millitary history , that it is also one of the important reasons that led to the destruction of the Zhongshan state .It can be affirmed that the Tianhu ancient city site in Jingxing mining area was the county town of the Wuxing county set up by Zhao State . On the basis of the two cities appeared in the middle and later of the Warring States Period in mordern Jingxing county , combined the distribution of the city sites out of the mordern Jingxing, we can infer the real run of the broad road and its rough position further. Also , we reach the conclusion, that is follows : In the early of the 3rd century B. C, under the management of ZhaoWuLingWang ,the commander of the Manjia Battle, Zhao state opened Jingxing.