本文以国产^(51)Cr-铬酸钠为标记物,应用^(51)Cr-释放法进行了肿瘤病人的 NK 细胞活性检测。评价了国产^(51)Cr-铬酸钠用于^(51)Cr-释放法检测细胞毒活性的可行性(NR=21.3±4.6);检测晚期癌症病人外周血淋巴细胞(PBL)NK 活性7例(SR=8.1±3.3).良性肿瘤病人 PBL NK 活性15例(SR=22.9±9.8);并研究了天然人白细胞介素-2(hlL-2)激活肿瘤病人 PBL 诱生 LAK 细胞 NK 活性的变化规律,一次性激活(1000U/ml)NK 活性高峰出现在24~48小时。
The paper report that NK activity of the tumor patienss have been determined by ^(51)C_r-release way with ^(51)C_r-sodium chromate made in China as labels,and has evaluated the practi cality of ^(51)C_r-sodium chromate made in China in used to ^(51)C_r-release way(NR=21.3±4.6).NK activity of the patients PBL in 7 advanced carcinoma(SR=8.1±3.3)and 15 benign tumor(SR 22.9±9.8) have been determined and the alterative regularity of NK activity of the onceself PBI, LAK cell activited by nature human IL 2 have been studyed,and high peak time of NK activity ap pearing is 24-48 hours for once activiting by the IL-2(1000 IU/ml).
Henan Medical Research