本文主要结合毛塔“友谊港”具体工程,探讨了应用岸线数学模型模拟突堤上游淤积问题、突堤下游冲刷问题,岬角型海岸防护建筑物布置方式及结构形式以及岛堤附近岸线演变问题。 计算实践表明,经过概化处理的岸线变化模型可以较好地复演和预演较长时段的岸线变化,已可直接用于一些典型条件,解决实际生产问题.物模和数模的相互配合.将是今后研究海岸泥沙问题的主要途径。
Based on the engineering practice of 'Friendship Port 'in Mauritania, this paper approaches an application of numerical model of shoreline to simulate engineering problems, such 'as the accretion in the upstrteam side of a jetty, the erosion in the downstream side of a jetty, the coastal protection layout of headland-type structure and its construction form, and the evolution of coastline adjacent to a detached breakwater.Calculation shows that the shoreline model, which can fairly reproduce and preproduce the behavior of coastline for a long duration, can bs applied to solve engineering problems in some typical canditions.It will be a main approach for researching coastal sedimentation in futdrs combining the physical model and themathematical model.
The Ocean Engineering