
在多元一体中寻找“我们”——从社会心理学看共识的建构 被引量:10

In Search of "Us" in the Context of Pluralistic Integration——A Socio-psychological Approach to Consensus Building
摘要 "中国梦"的实现需要上下"同心","同心"在当前社会转型的背景下,重在将"多元"有机地凝聚成"一体"。"社会凝聚力"与"社会共识"是"同心"的两个不同面相。社会凝聚的社会心理机制主要有"关系化"、"类别化"、"镶嵌化"三种,其中"镶嵌化"机制最适宜于构建多元一体关系。"镶嵌化"机制的有效实施,仰赖于对社会结构的扁平化调整。社会共识须藉由政府与群体间、群际间以及群体内的双向沟通来达成。 The fulfillment of the 'Chinese Dream' requires all the people to 'work with one mind'. Against the background of social transformation characterized by the diversification of the interested parties, 'working with one mind' mainly refers to bringing the 'diversification' into 'an organic whole'. 'Social cohesion' and 'social consensus' are two different aspects of 'working with one mind'. There are three types of socio-psychological mechanisms underpinning social cohesion: 'guanxilization', 'categorization' and 'tessellation', and 'tessellation' is most suitable for constructing a pluralistic integration relationship. The effective implementation of the mechanism of 'tessellation' depends on the flattenization of social structure. The social consensus urgently needs to be achieved through the communication between the government and groups as well as communications among and within these groups.
出处 《学术前沿》 2013年第7期23-30,共8页 Frontiers
关键词 多元一体 社会共识 社会表征 Pluralisticintegration,socialconsensus,socialrepresentations
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