房地产项目成本控制是房地产开发项目管理内容的重要组成部分 ,具体来说就是在投资决策阶段、设计阶段、开发项目、发包阶段和建设实施阶段 ,把开发项目的投资控制在批准的投资限额以内 ,随时纠正偏差 ,保证开发项目利润目标的实现 ,力求在开发项目中合理使用人力、财力、物力 。
The cost control to real estate item is an importance part of real estate itemmanagement. It is concrete to come to say that we should control the investment of the item at the investment quota and correct deviation at any time from decision-making stage, designed stage,developing and sending stage to operative stage.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi