在全球化的影响和中国内政外交决策更加理性和民主的背景下 ,中国知识界在外交决策过程中的影响力日益扩大。本文介绍中国外交特别是对美国外交重要思想库的机制和人员概况 ,分析了中国外交思想库在关注国际政治现实的大背景下扮演的五类角色 :( 1 )为外交决策服务的政策建议者 (智囊 )角色 ;( 2 )担当信息管道、信息使者和外交谈判参与者角色 ;( 3 )凭籍自己的学术声望和人脉关系扮演的外交“纳谏者”的角色 ;( 4 )政策主张宣传者和传播者的角色 ;( 5 )政策指导者、审议者和评判者的角色。结合中国外交政策制定过程中的信息流动的实际情况 ,本文还探讨了外交思想库之间在协调和协商方面的不足以及中国思想库人员面临的种种实际困难。同时 ,结合对美国思想库的观察和思考 。
Against the background of globalization, Chinese decision making process has been further rationalized and democratized. As a result, Chinese intellectuals have expanded their influence in the making of Chinese foreign policy. This thesis provides an overview, in terms of both institutional framework and professional components, of the major think tanks in Chinese diplomacy, especially those related to the United States. It focuses on the discussion of the five major forms of participation of members of think tanks in the decision making process: (1) providing policy recommendations; (2) channeling messages and acting as negotiators in “second track” activities; (3) taking advantage of personal connections and remonstrating with key decision makers; (4) transmitting government point of views in mass media and educating people on international affairs; and (5) reviewing and evaluating “controversial” policies. By assessing the actual situation in information flow in the decision making process, this author sets out to address more fundamental problems that constrain think tanks' efforts to further integrate into the making of Chinese foreign policy, touching upon the underlying issues of the “limited participation” dilemma of Chinese intellectuals. In comparison with the role American think tanks play, the author also discusses five sets of proposals to further reform the Chinese think tanks' decision making process in Chinese diplomacy.
Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
think tanks, Chinese diplomacy, political participation, foreign policy, decision making