
如何在文化交流中进行文化比较 被引量:3

How to Compare Cultures in an Intercultural Communication
摘要 作者认为 ,当前世界上有一种以种族中心主义作为政治信仰和建立认同的文化战略 ,按照这种战略就会导致不同文化之间的冲突。为了反对种族中心主义 ,实现人类的团结 ,他主张通过研究历史来探讨不同文化的认同问题 ,即探讨究竟什么使我们不同和为什么会如此。在此基础上还应该确立使不同的文化之间互相承认和理解分歧的原则。 The article thinks that there is a trend which can be described as ethnocentrism as a cultural strategy of political orientation and identity building in the world. It could bring the clash of different cultures. So we must explore the issue of identity of different cultures through investigating history. It means knowing what make us different and why. Then we should set the principle of mutual recognition and acknowledgement of differences.
出处 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第1期22-30,共9页 Historiography Bimonthly
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  • 8参阅塞缪尔·廷顿.《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》,第19-27页.
  • 9Peter Burke, Western Historical Thinking in a Global Perspective - 10 Theses, in Jom Rtisen ed. Western Historical Thinking . An Intercultural Debate, pp. 15-32.
  • 10See Peter Burck, Western Historie.al Thinking in a Global Perspective -10 Theses, in Jom Rusen ed. , Western Historical Thinking, An Intercul- tural debate, pp. 15-28.










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