炼铁高炉在排放渣铁过程中产生的烟尘对大气形成严重污染。各冶金企业在治理高炉出铁场烟尘污染的实践中 ,互相学习 ,取长补短 ,使高炉出铁场除尘工艺及技术不断创新。结合本企业高炉出铁场烟尘治理中存在的问题 ,介绍了 2高炉出铁场除尘设备的强化改造。除尘工艺的调整完善 ,除尘技术的应用及创新 ,总结了除尘系统改造后取得的环境效益及经济效益。
A puddling blast furnace usually causes severe pollution to the atmosphere with soot when letting scruff. Metallurgy corporations did much in practice of cutting down the soot pollution of taphole factories by studying from each other and sharing experiences with all, which helped the deposit technique of every taphole factory keep improving. With the problem of cutting down the soot pollution of the taphole factory of the blast furnace in the author's corporation, this article introduced the work of consolidating modification to the deposit equipment, the work of adjustment and consummation to the deposit technique, and the application and innovation of the deposit technology in the taphole factory of the second blast furnace. At last, it gave a brief summary about environmental and economic benefits gained through the innovation of deposit system.
China Metallurgy