本文报导采自黑龙江省优食蚜蝇属Eupeodes的三新种:金优食蚜蝇,新种Eupeodes(E.) aurosus sp.nov.,林优食蚜蝇,新种Eupeodes(E.)silvaticus sp.nov及陈氏优食蚜蝇,新种Eupeodes(E.)cheni sp.nov.模式标本保存于上海农学院昆虫标本室。
This paper reports three new species of the nominate subgenus of Eupeodes from Heilongjiang Province. The type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Shanghai Agricultural College.1. Eupeodes (Eupeodes) aurosus He, sp. nov. Male: Eye bare. Vertical triangle longer than the suture of eyes. Angle of frons at ap proximation of eyes about 90 degrees. Face (fig. 1) occupying 48% of head width. Postocular orbits near vertical triangle rather narrow (fig. 3). For profile of head, see fig. 2.Length: body 11mm, wing 8mm.Female unknown.This new species is rather similar to E. flavofasciatus(Ho), but differs in: Postocular orbits rather narrow; all yellow abdominal markings (spots and bands) extending over the lateral margins of their corresponding tergites (fig. 5); genitalia (figs. 6—8) is different.Holotype (?), Shangzhi(Mao'ershan) (45.2°N, 127.5°E) Heilongjiang, 26—Ⅶ-1986, collect by Wang Lijun.2. Eupeodes (Eupeodes) silvaticus He, sp. nov.Male: Eye almost bare. Vertical triangle, longer than the suture of eyes. Face(fig, 9) occupying 50% of head width. Postocular orbits with medium width near vertical triangle (fig. 11). For profile of head, see fig. 10.Length: body 11mm, wing 9mm.Female unknown.This new species is similar to E. flavofasciatus(Ho), but differs in following characters: Angle of frons at approximation of eyes 85 degrees; yellow spots on tergites 3 and 4 reaching lateral margin of corresponding tergites (fig. 13); genitalia (figs. 14—16) is different.Holotype (?), Ning'an (44.3°N, 129.4°E), Eeilongjiang, 30—Ⅵ-1984, collected by He Jilong.3. Eupeodes (Eupeodes) cheni He, sp. nov.Female: Eye almost bare. Dusted spots on frons stripe-like, but not intensively. Dark colour on frons reaching 3/5 of distance between front ocellus and base of antennae (fig. 17). For abdominal pattern, see fig. 20.Length: body 9mm, wing 7mm.Male unknown.The present new species is similar to E. taeniatus (Ho) and E. pseudonitens (Du(?)ek and Láska), but differs from them as follows: Postocular orbits near vertical triangle rather broad (fig. 19): dust spots on frons occupying 3/5 of frons width; long hairs on apical half of front femur black.Holotype ♀, Ning'an(Jingpo Hu)(43.9°N, 128.9°E), Heilongjiang, 3-Ⅶ-1984, collected by He Jilong.The new species is named in honour of Prof. Chen Sicien for his outstanding contributions in the field of insect taxonomy.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica