本文记述了方胸柱萤叶甲属 Laphris已知种类,并从形态学上对其与邻近属之间进化关系进行了探讨。
This paper deals with the genus Laphris, 5 species are known from China, 3 of them de-scribed as new. Relationships between Laphris and its related genera Agelasa and Gallerucidaare discussed. Generic diagnoses, descriptive figures and keys are presented to facilitate iden-tification. A cladistic analysis is presented, the phylogeny as shown in fig. 10. The type speci-mens are kept in the Insect Collections of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica. Descrip-tions of the new species are given as follows: 1. Laphris apophysata sp. nov. (fig. 1) Length of body 8. 5mm. Body testaceous. Antennae brown, the third segment 5 times as long as the second.Pronotal disc with a subtransverse depression on each side of middle, surface distinctly andsparsely punctured. Elytra strongly punctured. Legs with tibiae and tarsi brown. Ventralsurface yellow and with pale long hairs. The protuberance of mesosternum as shown in fig. 1 A. Apex of aedeagus acute (fig. 1B-C), armature of internal sac hook--like (fig. 1 B, D), unsymmtrical. Base of aedeagus indorsal veiw (fig. 1 E) with two semicircular protuberance and a pair of sclerites. Holotype , Mt. Tianmu (30. 4°N, 119. 5°E), Zhejiang Province, 23. VI. 1936. This new species can be easily distinguished form the other known species of the genusby the color of the tibiae and tarsi, the size of body and the male genitalia. 2. Laphris collaris sp. nov. (fig. 2) Length of body 9. 5mm. Head, prothorax and elytra testaceous. Antennae 3/4 the length of body, yeloowishbrown in color, from fifth on black brown, third segment 3. 5 times as long as the second. Pronotum with a fovea on each side of the middle. Scutellum sparsely punctured. Elytraclosely punctured. Legs yellowish brown, the third to fifth segments of tarsi dark brown. The protuberance of mesosternum (fig. 2 A) wide at base and contracted colse to theapex. Apex of aedegus (fig. 2 B) acute. Armature of internal sac hooked and nearly symmetri-cal, with base expanded. Basal margin of aedegus straight. Holotype , Mt. Hengshan (27. 3°N, 112. 7°E), Hunan Province, 1980; paratype 1,ditto. This new species can be distinguished from other known species of the genus by the pro-tuberance of mesosternum. 3. Laphris tricuspidata sp. nov. (fig. 5) Length of body 9mm. Body yellow. Antennae yellowish brown with last four segments black brown, 3/4 longas the body, the third segment 4 times as long as the second. Pronotum sparsely punctured.Scutellum punctured at base. Elytra more closely punctate than the prothorax. Legs yellow-ish brown, the third segment of tarsi brown. Protuberance of mesosternum (fig. 5 A) round at side. Apex of the aedegus (fig. 5 B)rounded. Aramture of internal sac (fig. 5 D) unsymmetrical. Aedegus (fig. 5 E)with the basalmargin concave at middle and turning upward laterally. Holotype, Youyang County (28. 8°N, 108. 7°E, 1200m), Sichuan Province, July 16,1989, by Yang Long--long. This new species similar to Laphris collaris sp. nov., but differs from it in the form ofthe protuberance of mesosternum and the male genitalia.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica