“平行进口”是国际贸易实务中一种常见现象 ,它具有独特的法律特征 ;地域性理论与权利穷竭理论 ,对知识产品的“平行进口”等问题的观点各有不同 ;实践中 ,知识产权的“平行进口”包括专利产品的“平行进口”、版权领域的“平行进口”、商标领域的“平行进口”等。我国应从现实国情出发 ,参考国外先进的立法经验和国际发展趋势 。
Parallel Import' is a common phenomenon in international trade, and it has special legal features. In practice 'parallel import' includes that of patent product, copyright, trade mark, etc. We must learn from the advanced countries in this aspect and establish our own laws to protect both the interests of the public and that of the intellectual property holders.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)