目的 探讨苗勒管综合征的诊断、处理和预后。方法 报告 2例苗勒管综合征。均在术中得到诊断 ,予以子宫体大部切除、睾丸精索松解睾丸固定。结果 随访 2~ 3年 ,患者睾丸血供和睾丸酮测定均正常。结论 苗勒管综合征为遗传性假两性畸形 ,术中应注意保护睾丸的血供 ,术后注意随访。
Objective To study the diagnosis, mandgement and prognosis of persistent müllerian duct syndrome(PMDS). Methods 2 cases of PMDS were reported. Corporeal hysterectomy and orchidopexy were performed. Results Blood supply and hormnoal functions of the testis were normal in both 2 cases after operation. Conclusion PMDS is an inherited male pseudohermaphroditism. Every effort should be made to preserve the testis when surgical management is needed.
Guangzhou Medical Journal