
子宫肌瘤细胞培养方法之比较 被引量:3

Comparison Between the Methods of Cell Culture of Hysteromyoma
摘要 目的 比较子宫肌瘤细胞消化法和贴块法培养的异同之处。方法 采用消化法及贴块法进行体外子宫肌瘤细胞培养。结果 两种方法均可获得大量子宫肌瘤细胞 ,消化法建系时间短 ,细胞富含肌丝 ,亚细胞器较少 ;贴块法建系所需时间长 ,细胞内肌丝较少 ,亚细胞器较多。 Objective To compare the difference between digestive method and explanted culture in human uterine leiomyoma cells. Methods To cultivate human uterine leiomyoma cells by digestive method and explanted culture in vitro. Results Many uterine leiomyoma cells were obtained by the last two methods. The cell line was found in shorter time by digestive method than by explanted culture, and there are more filaments and less sub-organelles by the former than by the later. Conclusions Human uterine leiomyoma cell line was found successfully by two means.
作者 曹爽 薛晓鸥
出处 《锦州医学院学报》 2004年第3期16-18,共3页 Journal of Jinzhou Medical College
关键词 子宫肌瘤 细胞培养 消化法 贴块法 uterine leiomyoma cell culture digestive method explant culture
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