
CABOSFV algorithm for high dimensional sparse data clustering 被引量:7

CABOSFV algorithm for high dimensional sparse data clustering
摘要 An algorithm, Clustering Algorithm Based On Sparse Feature Vector (CABOSFV), was proposed for the high dimensional clustering of binary sparse data. This algorithm compresses the data effectively by using a tool 'Sparse Feature Vector', thus reduces the data scale enormously, and can get the clustering result with only one data scan. Both theoretical analysis and empirical tests showed that CABOSFV is of low computational complexity. The algorithm finds clusters in high dimensional large datasets efficiently and handles noise effectively. An algorithm, Clustering Algorithm Based On Sparse Feature Vector (CABOSFV),was proposed for the high dimensional clustering of binary sparse data. This algorithm compressesthe data effectively by using a tool 'Sparse Feature Vector', thus reduces the data scaleenormously, and can get the clustering result with only one data scan. Both theoretical analysis andempirical tests showed that CABOSFV is of low computational complexity. The algorithm findsclusters in high dimensional large datasets efficiently and handles noise effectively.
出处 《Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing》 CSCD 2004年第3期283-288,共6页 北京科技大学学报(英文版)
关键词 数据采矿 高维分散数据集 聚类算法 分散特征矢量 CABOSFV clustering data mining sparse high dimensionality
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