包公听讼断狱故事 ,突出的也是“罪与罚”的价值取向。正是基于这一原因 ,本稿在讨论包公故事中的法律问题时 ,首先标举“罪与罚”这个题目。除此之外 ,这一安排也有先“实体法”后“程序法”的技术考虑。值得引起我们思考的是 :在现实社会生活中 ,纠纷无论如何不会出现民事纠纷与刑事犯罪之间比例如此“悬殊”的情形。那末 ,何以馀以故事特别强调“罪与罚”这一主题呢 ?
The anecdote about how Justice Bao hears a case obviously highlights its value-orientation over 'crime and punishment'. It is based on the above-mentioned legal story that the article is entitled 'crime and punishment'. In addition, the reason why it is arranged so is to let 'the substantive law' precede 'the procedural law'. What is worth being considered is that in our contemporary society one can never find any so great a gap in ratio between civil disrepute and criminal offense. Then, why is the theme 'crime and punishment' especially stressed in the anecdote of Justice Bao? This thesis is to focus on the issue under discussion.
Modern Law Science