

Brief introduction to studies on in vitro embryotoxicity and male reproductive toxicology
摘要 寻找并建立简便、快捷、能真实准确的反映化学物质或药物对人类生殖健康危害程度的实验方法是目前国内外研究的热点,胚胎毒理体外实验及雄性生殖毒理实验是评价化学物质致畸的两种重要方法。本文主要介绍了这两种方法在评价化学物质危害性方面近几年国内外的研究应用及其利弊。 It's a study hotspot to seek and set up a succinct ?fast and exact screening test which can evaluate the influence of chemicals or drugs to the reproduction and heath of the people in domestic and abroad now. In vitro embryotoxicity screening test and male reproductive toxicology are primary screening tests.In this paper their application are discussed.
出处 《动物科学与动物医学》 2004年第8期34-36,共3页 Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine
基金 江苏省科技厅基础建设项目(BM2002203)
关键词 全胚胎培养 鸡胚胎毒理 雄性生殖毒理 whole embryo culture chick embryotoxicity male reproductive toxicology
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