
工作压力的组织应对策略——自我效能的有效提高 被引量:3

The Organizational Strategy of Dealing With Work Stress ——Efficient Improvement of Self Efficacy
摘要 本文旨在探讨通过应对成功提高个体自我效能的方法和途径,从而实现更为有效地控制、减轻或者消除工作压力的目标。整个探讨过程遵循个体差异性原则,从关心人、重视人的角度出发,在全球化、信息化、知识经济的时代背景下进行。本文探讨的可以实践的应对策略集中在组织层面,通过明确职责、共同应对的方式实现组织和个体的共同发展。 This article is for the purpose through studying the relevant method and way of improving individual self efficacy, thus realizing the objective of controlling, lightening or eliminating work stress. The whole inquiring process is followed by the principle of individual difference, proceeding from the angle of concerning and emphasizing to people in the background of globalization, informatization and knowledge economy. This strategy applicable in this article is concentrated in the organizational level by means of clarifying the responsibility and dealing in common in order to realize individual and organizational development in common.
作者 裴晨 刘秋颖
出处 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2004年第5期72-76,共5页 Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 工作压力 自我效能 组织应对策略 人力资源培训与开发 Work stress self efficacy organizational strategy training and development of human resource
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