为了观察冻干甲型肝炎 腮腺炎联合疫苗免疫恒河猴后的安全性及免疫原性 ,用静脉注射和丘脑注射的方式接种疫苗 ,观察恒河猴的临床症状、体征、生化、免疫学反应以及脑和肝组织的病理变化。结果未见临床症状和体征的异常改变 ,ALT正常 ,抗 HAV、抗流行性腮腺炎病毒的抗体在观察期内持续阳性 ,脑组织和肝组织无病毒性肝炎和腮腺炎病毒引起的病理性改变。因此该冻干甲型肝炎 腮腺炎联合疫苗抗原间无干扰 ,具有良好的安全性及免疫原性。
To observed the safety and immunogenicity of hepatitis A-mumps (HA-m)combined vaccines in Rhesus monkeys,the HA-mumps combined vaccine and univalent HA vaccine were immunized by intravenous injection and thalamus injection with Rhesus monkeys,and the monkey's clinical symptom,physical sign,biochemistry,immunology respond,bran and liver tissues pathological changes were observed after vaccine immunization. No clinical symptom,physical sign,hepatitis,mumps and pathological changes were showed in all the monkeys immunized, vaccines.The ALT of monkeys continued to be normal Both antibodies of HA and mumps were keeps to be posititve during the observation period.The results suggested that the HA-m combined vaccine have good safety and immunogenicity.
Progress In Microbiology and Immunology