
复发性宫颈癌48例临床分析 被引量:5

An Analysis of Recurrent Cervical Cancer in 48 Cases
摘要 [目的]探讨复发宫颈癌的预测、诊治方法及其临床特征。[方法]回顾分析48例复发宫颈癌的资料。[结果]48例复发宫颈癌中局部复发36例(75.0%),2年内复发者占71.0%(中位复发时间为16个月),2年以上复发29.0%,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。复发宫颈癌5年生存率20.5%。治疗前血清SCC鄄Ag≥1.5ng/ml者,复发率达38.2%;SCC鄄Ag<1.5ng/ml者,复发率仅7.0%,两者比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。12例复发宫颈癌于临床诊断前检测到血清SCC鄄Ag升高,SCC鄄Ag升高的时间较作出临床诊断平均早2~3个月。[结论]宫颈癌初治后2年内应密切随访。常规全身、盆腔检查,B超、胸片在随访中有重要作用。血清SCC鄄Ag的检测有助于宫颈癌复发的预测及提高早期诊断率。复发宫颈癌的治疗应坚持综合与个体化治疗原则。 To explore the way to predict, diagnose and treatment for recurrent cervical cancer and its clinical characteristics. Forty-eight cases with recurrent cervical cancer were retrospectively analyzed. There were 36 cases of local relapse(75.0%) among forty-eight cases. The majority of the recurrent patients(71.0%) recurred in 2 years and 29.0% patients after 2 years (P<0.05). The median recurrence time was 16 months. The 5-year survival rate was 20.5%. The rate of recurrence was 38.2% when the serum SCC-Ag before treatment was more than 1.5ng/ml. However, the rate was only 7.0% when the serum SCC-Ag before treatment was lower than 1.5ng/ml. This difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Twelve cases with recurrence were found that serum SCC-Ag had increased before clinical diagnosis. The elevated serum SCC-Ag detected was 2~3 months earlier than clinical diagnosis of recurrence. [Conclusions] Cervical cancer should be followed up frequently within 2 years after primary therapy. Routine medical examination, pelvic examination, B ultrasound and chest X-ray all play important roles in follow-up. Detecting serum SCC-Ag can help to predict recurrence and improve the rate of diagnosis. Furthermore, comprehensive therapy and individualized treatment should be carried out for recurrent cervical cancer.
出处 《肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2004年第5期307-309,共3页 Journal of Chinese Oncology
关键词 宫颈肿瘤 复发 血清SCC-AG cervical neoplasms recurrence serum SCC-Ag
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